Database Management

Database Management

Your customer data is your most valuable resource, so let Arleen Smith Marketing support and enhance your strategies to maximize your impact.

Your company data and customer lists can be your most valuable marketing resources, and we can help you to maximize that value.

Direct mail marketers today expect higher response rates and more accurate identification of target audiences. Once a database has been developed, proper management of this key company resource is critical to future campaigns. Further, many clients also rely on external databases, such as rented lists, and here again data management and integration are essential. The best creative materials are only effective when placed in the hands of the right prospects.

Arleen Smith Marketing, Inc. (ASM) can provide data processing and management services to support your marketing efforts in ways that are both process-efficient and client appropriate. We are constantly developing new and improved software tools and programs to meet all needs.

Our database management services include:

NCOA - National Change Of Address

This is a database compiled through the United States Postal Service which enables a mailer to perform hygiene to their list. The process allows for a mailer to take their existing database and pass it through the NCOA database and determine three distinct outputs:
  • Establishes whether records on a mailer’s database have moved to a new location within a given period (up to four years) and the new address.
  • Determines which records are “undeliverable” based on United States Post Office standards. This may include missing or incorrect data that needs to be corrected by the list owner.
  • Provides corrections to addresses that can be identified by the system software. An example would be La Hoya, CA being corrected by the system as La Jolla, CA. Or state abbreviations being corrected to their appropriate two character symbol.

(As of November 24, 2008 all lists being utilized for a mailing requiring a presort discount from the United States Postal Service, must go through a NCOA process or similar software.)

Reformat Files

Data is often received in a format which needs to be converted to an industry standard. Once reformatted, the data is validated and reviewed to ensure complete mailing information with no duplication.

Part of our validation process includes the issuance of two reports developed by our data processing department. These reports are an "error" report and "population" report.


De-Dupe is a proprietary software program that allows us to eliminate duplicates for records with the same data or in the same household or business. This process provides cost savings for direct mail campaigns by reducing unnecessary printing and postage.


Merge/Purge is a tool that allows us to bring together multiple files in an effort to form one database and maximize a client's potential for cost savings. The savings would be generated by increased density in the mail sorting process which garners a greater savings in postage.

This program is usually run in conjunction with the "de-dupe" program to maximize savings for clients.


We can safely and securely retain your database and manage its upkeep and maintenance. This service uses a secure facility with a disaster-recovery back-up, providing a fail safe method of preserving a company’s most valuable asset.

Data Entry

ASM provides data entry services for clients for all types of promotions or ongoing mailing and fulfillment needs.

Our programmers customize data entry screens to suit the needs of a particular project. A typical program of this type might be for product and warranty registrations. ASM is equipped to manage such programs which may include establishing post office boxes, retrieving mail, data entry and generating letters or other correspondence. In many instances we can turn this consumer response information into future marketing opportunities.

As this historical data is collected we can analyze, design and suggest channels of opportunities through reports based on your specifications.
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